to see the Beefboy's latest rants? Go to the
Home page.
below for the official location of the Playboy Celebrity
photos... plus every Playboy Playmate, Cybergirl,
Co-Ed and Celebrity photos EVER for only $2.95! Limited
time only. No kidding.
24, 2007
A recent raid of an al Qaeda torture
chamber has revealed a couple
of very important things. First off,
we've absolutely got to hunt down
every one of these sick terrorist
fuckers, stick our steel boots on
their neck, and either choke them
or break their neck, before they procreate.
secondly... terrorists can't draw
for shit. No seriously. They're absolutely
terrible. I mean, come on, we have
third graders with the 64 piece crayon
set that can lay down better shit
than these terrorists.
strike a blow for art... kill a terrorist.
12, 2007
New Beefboy gallery of Saul of
the Mole Man'sIrina
23, 2007
While a lot of you have just discovered
Rose McGowan from
her appearance in Grindhouse,
the Beefboy's been in love with her
since way back in 1995 when she appeared
in the movie The Doom Generation.
I think you can see from the photo
above why she caught my attention.
do a Beefboy Gallery on her very soon.
I've been busy writing articles but
just now had time to update them.
If you'd like to read my take on the
Virginia Tech Killer, please check
out my Features
If you'd like to read about Al
Sharpton and Jesse
Jackson, and why they threaten
the free world, then check it out
I've got so much more stuff coming
you're not going to believe it! This
Beefboy has been BUSY!
12, 2007
Al Sharpton is now
informing us that this is just the
beginning. He wants to choose what
you can and can not say on the airwaves.
Who made Sharpton the arbiter of anything
besides shitty velour track suits?
Beefboy has a better idea for Al Sharpton…
why don’t you suck my fat swollen
10, 2007
Lost in all the mess with Don
Imus is the fact that he
is a washed up radio host and no one
would have even known about his comments
unless Al Sharpton
wanted to get some press for his own
little irrelevant radio show. The
Beefboy would also like to point out
that, once again, we are spending
way too much time talking about three
words some cornhole said, instead
of talking about illegal aliens, terrorism
AND how political correctness is the
biggest threat to America that exists
Your homework assignment is to pick
up a copy of the book 1984
and read how controlling language
is another way of controlling YOU.
Political Correctness (a phrase that
originated in Communist
Russia) is the attempt to control
debate by telling you what is acceptable
to say. If America doesn’t stop
this horseshit, we’re going
to find ourselves slaves to our own
government. I can imagine that our
Founding Fathers are rolling over
in their graves and shitting worms
over our blatant disregard for the
guiding tenants of this country. Let
me assure you that the Beefboy will
not be a victim of Political Correctness
and I encourage you not to fall in
that trap either.
If you don’t like what the Beefboy
has to say, then don’t come
to my site, but don’t you dare
tell me what to say. Fuck you. Fuck
your mom. Fuck everyone. I WILL SPEAK
19, 2007
Want to see the second best political
ad EVER?!!! Take a look at the ad
below, but look quick... I expect
it to get yanked at any time now.
to see the best political ad EVER?
It's the Lyndon Johnson
ad against Barry Goldwater
in the 1964 campaign, and yes, it's
16, 2007
New Chick of the Moment Ivanka
Trump! You can see her in
the sidebar to the right.
10, 2007
Just got through watching the first
couple of episodes of BBC's Robin
Hood. It's surprisingly good.
If you're used to seeing foppish weasels
(or Kevin Costner)
playing Robin, then you'll appreciate
the turn of Jonas Armstrong's
take on the character. You'll also
appreciate the lovely Lucy
Griffiths as Marion and the
chilling evil of Keith Allen's
Sheriff of Nottingham. I'm just two
episodes into the series, but it's
got excellent production, good writing
and action that's suitably worthy
of your time. If
you live in the UK, you already know
this, but if you live in America,
you can check it out on Saturday nights
on BBC America.
6, 2007
Let’s not pretend like there
were no warning bells on the shoddy
treatment our veterans are facing
in places like the Walter Reed Medical
Center. It shouldn’t take a
media scandal to wake up government.
My dad is a veteran and he’s
complained for years about the poor
treatment, inefficiency and sub-standard
care. Everyone in office, EVERYONE,
has to explain to all of us why we
are not giving first class service
to our greatest patriots. It sickens
me that we bend over forwards and
financially take it in the ass from
street trash, addicts and professional
welfare scum, while we forget people
who have legitimately earned the right
to demand that we give them the best
health care possible.
needs to be fixed right now. Tomorrow
is not acceptable.
28, 2007
Run, don't walk to see the new Danger
Darling site! It features irreverent
book and movie reviews by a good friend.
If you like the Beefboy, you're going
to love Danger
26, 2007
If you've got a site to promote or
want some publicity (I get two million
hits a month), send the Beefboy
a picture like the one above and I'll
put you right here on my home page.
Every so often I forget why I stopped
watching the Oscars and tune in anyway...
well, now I remember why I don't watch
the Academy Awards. To start with,
the awards are not about performance,
it's about past achievements, politics
and how rosy it's going to make everyone
feel to give you an Oscar. An
Inconvenient Truth was going
to win NO MATTER WHAT. It could have
been up against any contender and
won outright. When Al Gore
took the stage, you'd think he'd given
$1000 to every man in the crowd and
fucked every woman. The audience looked
at him like Michael Jackson
looks at a Target ad for boys underwear.
some reason, instead of properly paying
tribute to FILM, we get an endless
series of shitty Broadway style performances.
Who gives a fuck about seeing Celine
Dion sing some song by Ennio
Morricone? We want to see
how he crafted some of the coolest
music in the history of cinema. Isn't
that what he's being honored for?
is so much time spent on the buildup
to the award and then when we get
the recipient in front of us, they
usher them off after scant seconds?
The fucking speeches are the best
part of the show nutsacks! Cut the
in-between bullshit so we can see
the stars and HEAR them accept the
why do they always list the show at
three hours? Seriously. There's not
a chance in hell that the show is
coming in on time. At my calculations,
it went to about 3 hours and 45 minutes.
Start that fucker an hour earlier
and stop yanking my cock about getting
through on time.
the people who should win, never win
(I'll never forgive the Oscars for
giving the Best Picture award to Forrest
Gump, instead of Shawshank
Redemption or Pulp Fiction...
I've said it before and I'm saying
it again... if you want to debate
the Beefboy on the quality and relevance
of Forrest Gump, versus either
of those two movies, then be prepared
to get your intellectual ass kicked!).
The best movies tend to win screenplay
awards for some reason. With that
said, it was good to see Martin
Scorsese take the director
award (finally) and see The Departed
win best picture. I can't remember
being so happy with a best picture
win since Silence of the Lambs.
DeGeneres did a good job
as host, which means she probably
won't be back.
I should have just watched Battlestar
18, 2007
Yes, that's Britney Spears
with a bald head. She shaved her head,
herself, in public, which means she
WANTS you to see these pictures. Oh
sure, I could jump on the bandwagon
and tell you that this is a cry for
help, but honestly, I don't have a
problem with women shaving their heads
(it takes a lot of guts, even for
guys) and if she wants to shake off
the girl next door image, this was
a good way to do it (but, there's
nothing like a Playboy pictorial to
that properly Britney).
hair is selling on eBay, by the way.
Some of you nutsacks will buy ANYTHING.
15, 2007
Beyonce is doing
the Sport Illustrated Swimsuit Issue
this year… that’s two
great tastes that taste great together.
What is this about President
Bush inviting 7000
Iraqi refugees over here? Is that
guy nuts? You know it won’t
stop with 7000 either! Why doesn’t
he just set up a new al Qaeda HQ in
the Pentagon? That would be great!
Is the Beefboy the only man on the
planet who is NOT in the running to
be the father of Anna Nicole’s
baby? Seriously. I mean how many nutsacks
can you do in roughly a one month
period? And let’s take a look
at the menagerie of sleazy characters
from the Star Wars bar scene that
are lining up to take credit for doing
her. Zsa Zsa Gabor’s
husband?!!! Seriously?! Even the old
dead billionaire is in the running!
And HE’S DEAD! Seriously!! That’s
not a badge of honor guys, Anna Nicole
was the IHOP of sex; her legs are
Am I supposed to believe that any
of these cramholes are going to be
good fathers to the kid? Please! We
all know that this paternity debacle
is about the half a billion cheddar
on the line for that kid and for the
adult who is the guardian.
The biggest crime in all of this is
the fact that we’ve spent more
than two minutes discussing this issue.
This is Jerry Springer
stuff here… let him do wall-to-wall
coverage on this. FOX and NBC and
all the rest should be flogged for
taking time away from real issues…
like illegal aliens, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan
and terrorism!
Speaking of illegal aliens, have you
heard that Bank of America is offering
credit cards to “people
without social security numbers”?
While this may be a great business
move to get access to 12 to 20 million
new customers, the Beefboy thinks
it’s a great way to encourage
people to continue to break our laws,
and it’s a super dandy way to
fast-track funding for terrorists.
It’s wrong and it’s immoral
and it shows an incredible lack of
patriotism for a business called the
“Bank of America”.
O’Reilly and Dennis
Miller have closed their
accounts at Bank of America and if
I had an account with them, I’d
do the same.
13, 2007
talk about the recent (and ongoing)
attempt to pass a non-binding resolution
in Congress. The Democrats want to
show their displeasure at Bush’s
plan to send 20 to 30 thousand more
troops to Iraq. While the Beefboy
certainly agrees that there is a debate
here (read my rant on February 11)
I want to call the Dems on their duplicity
and their cowardice.
First off, it wasn’t too long
ago that the same people who are complaining
about sending extra troops, were DEMANDING
that we send extra troops. Democrats
are breaking their balls to be contrarian
to anything that Bush proposes. I
would be more likely to listen if
I felt that there was some underlining
philosophy and consistency in their
views. I would also like to hear some
options from the other side of the
aisle. If you’re going to bitch,
you better have some fucking solutions
Next, I want to examine the political
wonder that is… “the non-binding
resolution”. I’ve been
hearing that phrase more and more
over the past decade, almost exclusively
from the United Nations (and anything
that comes from the United Nations
is seriously suspect).
If you’re going to loan someone
a million dollars, would you prefer
to have them sign a “binding”
or a “non-binding” contract?
Okay… let’s kick this
up a notch. Let’s say that a
member of Congress has a 12 year old
daughter who’s having sex with
one of those cramholes from the Dateline
“To Catch a Predator”
series. Do you think that they would
pass a non-binding resolution for
that pervert to stop, or do you think
they would call the cops… or
better yet, break that fucker’s
The point is that the “non-binding
resolution” is political masturbation.
It makes you feel good, but it doesn’t
mean anything. It’s also a monumental
waste of time. The Democrats took
over Congress partly (the press erroneously
says “fully”) because
of their promise to bring the troops
home. The people who voted the Dems
into power wanted action, not a bunch
of wacking-off. Talk is fucking cheap,
and it’s a great cover for cowardice.
11, 2007
Hilton with that nutsack from Girls
Gone Wild
Wow! I just got blown away by the
performance of Corinne Bailey Rae
at tonight's Grammy Awards. The incredibly
pure voice and coming from such an
amazing knock-out... well, you can
see for yourself below...
Apparently, our troops have just recently
been given
permission to kill or capture
Iranian operatives in Iraq. What?!!
Are you telling the Beefboy that they
What the fuck are we doing over there?
Is this a war or a fucking pageant?
Are we over there to jack people off,
or are we there to crush our enemies?
we went into Iraq, we should have
adopted the Powell Doctrine from the
very beginning. What is the Powell
Doctrine? Well, besides a set
of circumstances that probably would
have kept us out of Iraq in the first
place, it states that if we are going
to send our troops then "every
resource and tool should be used to
achieve overwhelming force against
the enemy, minimizing US casualties
and ending the conflict quickly by
forcing the weaker force to capitulate."
Powell Doctrine suggests that, if
we're going to war, then we're going
to win. Decisively. What we've got
right now is some sort of politically
correct nightmare, where indecisive
politicians, the press and pansy surrender-monkeys
are guiding policy, instead of our
generals in the sand.
military is the most amazing collection
of virtuoso ass-kickers the world
has ever seen. They are scary, efficient
and professional at killing people
and breaking things when given the
ability to perform the way they were
trained. They are also vulnerable,
fractured and frustrated when we tie
their hands and make them jump through
hoops to impress fuckholes that don't
matter and are NOT in the line of
you're going to send my friends and
family over there to face the roadside
bombs of radical religious nutsacks,
then you must, MUST, let them do their
not, then it's time to bring them
9, 2007
The Beefboy just recovered from a
nasty little stomach virus, which...
strangely enough, makes me have a
new appreciation for old-fashioned
brown solid poop.
1 ,2007
Last month The Beefboy Rants shattered
the all-time number of visitors…
by 15000 people! I might also add
that this has been a steady trend
since I launched the site over three
years ago. Thanks to all the Beefanatics
out there! Much love to you all.
Of course you know the Beefboy is
going to talk about the Aqua Teen
Hunger Forceterrorist
plot! What I’m going to
say, which no one else is going to
tell you, is that the Police, and
the media, and the city in general,
grossly overreacted to a board with
a bunch of lights that looked like
a mooninite! Those signs, which were
misreported (and still being misreported)
as a “package” had been
up for two weeks in multiple cities
around the US (including Boston) without
incident! Because everyone involved
lost their fucking minds, closed down
the port, shut down highways and went
on full scale overblown terror silliness,
NOW they have to cover their pathetic
asses due to embarrassment.
you’re going to see an overreaction
in the other direction where marketing
executives at the Cartoon Network,
Turner Broadcasting and the poor schmucks
who were just trying to make a buck
by putting up some viral advertising,
are sacrificed to the God of Homeland
Security, and the media are going
to go right along with it, because
they were embarrassed by their own
stupidity (and for fucks sake, don’t
embarrass the media)! Shame on all
you fascist nutsacks!
few of things came to mind on this
“incident”. First off,
I imagine that Osama is getting a
good chuckle over us chasing our tail
over stupid shit. Next, for those
of you who think this is something
that’s never been done before,
the art community has been placing
this sort of non-permanent “graffiti”
around major cities for a while now,
it’s time everyone woke up.
Finally, once again, the Old Guard
shows their total disconnect with
modern culture. Everyone under 40
that was asked about the sign said,
“Oh, that’s a mooninite
from Aqua Teen Hunger Force…
cool.” The old farts said, “Improvised
Explosive Device! Run for your lives!”
the way, if anyone gets a hold of
one of those mooninite boards the
Beefboy would love to have one!
20, 2007
Did the Beefboy just see Bruce
Campbell in an Old Spice
commercial?!! I have to admit that
Bruce Campbell is a cool ass motherfucker,
but that's still not enough to make
me wear my great-grandfather's cologne.
seems like a good weekend to make
some hot and spicy chili... so, back
by popular demand, here's my ultimate
chili recipe.
Beefboy's Rockabilly Chili
of Ground Beef Baby!
2 medium yellow onions
4 cans of diced tomatoes and green
4 small cans of tomato sauce
3 tbls of sugar
3 tbls of chili powder
2 tbls of cumin
1 tbls of crushed red pepper
2 tsp salt
1 bottle of beer (whatever you like
the best)
a fat pot. Cut up onions into small
pieces, add the beef and completely
brown and drain. Take a sip of the
beer, add all the other indredients
(including the beer), stir and simmer
for about an hour (or as long as you
can hold out).
with Fritos, sour cream, shredded
cheddar and a frosty brew!
15, 2007
Beefboy has been wondering why I've
been getting a ton of hits and queries
on Tricia Helfer...
well, she's in Playboy this month.
The Beefboy is way ahead of you cats.
I had a Fan Page of her last year.
Click here
to see what you've been missing.
the way, the picture above is so large
that you could put it on your computer
as a wallpaper image... if you can
stand it... )
11, 2007
Red alert (in my pants)!!! Dita
von Teesehas
dumpedMarilyn Manson.
That means that it's only a matter
of time before Dita and the Beefboy
hook up (I'll keep you informed).
Happy New Year Beefanatics! Last month
I had so many visits that I exceeded
my site’s bandwidth (that won’t
happen again)! Wow! Over two million
hits last month and a record number
of visitors! Thanks Beefanatics! This
year is going to be even better than
the last (thanks to you).
To the right is a picture of Daybreak
star Victoria Pratt,
but I know her from Mutant X
and Cleopatra 2525, so I'm
basically a geek.
Congratulations to Nancy Pelosi,
the first woman Speaker of the House.
While I’m no fan of her politics
(and I’ll be watching her like
a dirty dog), I think having a woman
in charge is long overdue.
Thank God Himself, for talking to
Pat Robertson and
warning us about a terrorist
attack, coming up later this year.
You’d think God would tell that
to Bush or the Homeland
Security Chief, but no, he went to
a guy with real credibility…
Pat Robertson. We sure are lucky that
Pat has God on his MySpace friends
- Speaking of that, have you noticed
that the U.S.A. hasn’t had a
real terrorist attack since 2001?
Let the Beefboy ask you a question:
What do you attribute that to? Luck?
Apathy on the terrorist’s part?
Or, do you think we should give some
credit to Bush and the troops and
everyone else who is working hard
to keep us safe?
many times have we heard of someone
in federal or local law enforcement
busting up a terrorist cell? Plenty
of times! How often have you heard
of major players getting arrested
and sent to interrogation chambers?
Very often. How many terrorist nutsacks
have we left as a greasy stain on
the earth where they crawled? A plethora.
I think it’s time we recognized
that, despite the rampant ineptitude
of government in most situations,
they seem to be getting it right when
it comes to fighting terrorists.
has been a bladderless windbag for
a half a decade. It’s like a
boxer getting in one punch, quitting
the fight, hiding, and bragging about
that punch for five years. It’s
absolute absurdity!
have one final question for you. Do
you think the mainstream media is
likely to point out our success against
terrorism? If not, why not? That’s
an answer I leave for them to explain,
and you to ponder.
No offense to President Ford,
but ENOUGH! Do we really need seven
days of mourning? I mean the guy ran
the country, and thanks for that,
but you can’t seriously justify
leading every broadcast with soft
news on where his body is for a week!
We don’t worship our leaders
around here (as much as they’d
like us to). Let’s tune down
these state funerals.
Have you seen the new Transformers
trailer from Japan? It looks pretty
The usual suspects are complaining
about the fact that Saddam
was hung, that he was taunted before
the hanging, and that the event was
taped by a cell phone camera (video
below)… and whose fault is it?
Oh, it’s America’s fault,
of course.
the Beefboy explain to the idiots
of the world why this was not an American
sponsored death sentence.
We don’t hang people. That’s
old world Islam there.
We would have waited about two decades
before carrying out the sentence.
We’ve got lawyers that need
new homes and private schooling for
their children. There’s no way
you’re getting swift justice
over here.
He didn’t get interviewed by
Geraldo Rivera, or have a bunch of
activist pussies weeping outside his
if the Beefboy was in charge, I would
have made it a Pay-Per-View event,
got Vince McMahon
to produce the show, have Ryan
Seacrest and Paris
Hilton host and have appearances
by Carrot Top, The
Dixie Chicks and Richard
Simmons. Then I’d put
Saddam in the same industrial-size
meat grinder that he used to kill
rivals, and serve Saddam burgers to
terrorists in Abu Ghraib prison. But
that’s just the way I roll.
you like to read previous rants? Please
visit the Archives
page and look for past Nymphomation
That's Toxic Goddess Cravyn above and you can see a LOT more of her at ToxicGoddess.com!
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