Videos of the Virginia Tech Killer
recently caught some flack for showing the videos, writings
and photos of the Virginia Tech Killer. You can rest assured
that I won't do that here, not because I'm afraid of bitching,
but because I think it's a slap in the face to society.
So, what would I have done if I was the News Chief at NBC?
Well, sit back, relax, enjoy, and let the Beefboy do, what
the Beefboy does best... and that's break it right on down
for you.
Virginia Tech killer is a pathetic loser of the highest
order. No video should be shown of him. No photos should
seen. I question whether we should really even know his
name. His sick acts should be relegated to the tragedies
of history and his name FORGOTTEN. FOREVER.
Glorifying this
bottom-feeding weasel by running his rambling droning nasal
bullshit over and over and over again, just rewards his
actions. He was a nobody before the event. He should remain
a nobody now. Who’s with me? He should be ridiculed
and humiliated and shamed. We should create little cartoons
where puppies pee on his head. We should make jokes about
what a small penis he had. He should be a recurring character
on Conan O’Brien called “Wimpy Pseudo-Intellectual
Loser Worm”.
The Beefboy
has heard every excuse for why this has happened, including,
but not limited to video games, the availability of guns,
lax security, poor psychological evaluation, Hong Kong action
flicks, bullying, George Bush, Prozac, class envy and Sanjaya’s
omnipresence on American Idol. However, here’s the
one fact that everyone glosses over. In his little media
kit the Viginia Tech Killer reveres the names of the two
loser twits from Columbine Colorado that did this same stunt
nearly ten years ago. Get it? The Beefboy knows their names,
but I shouldn’t and I won’t repeat them here.
They should have been shamed and humiliated and reviled
and FORGOTTEN. Instead, they became the poster children
for academic killing sprees and the heroes to a world full
of evil passionate fucktards.
Do you want
more of this sort of stuff? Do you want the next loser to
pick up a gun and chase immortality and a spot on Deal or
No Deal, by killing a slew of innocent people? If that’s
what you want, then keep making this piece of shit your
media darling. Plaster his name and his videos and his self
aggrandizing photos all over every available media outlet.
You’re teaching the next loser how to rise from justified
Dig it!
-The Beefboy